Gonzales, LA – Chief of the City of Gonzales Police Department Sherman Jackson and owner of Expert maintenance and Construction Services James Moore are holding a “Back to School Bash” on Saturday, August 8 thanks to Needy of Baton Rouge.
From 2 p.m. until 6 p.m., any Ascension resident, who can provide identification with an Ascension address, is invited to attend.
“The point of the program is to assist needy families within the Ascension community who need school supplies,” said Chief Jackson. “With school right around the corner, there are still a lot of families who need some extra help. We’re hoping to provide that to them.”
Needy of Baton Rouge President Tim Arceneaux and his wife Tracy donated over $2,500 in school supplies, ranging from pens and pencils to book sacks and notebooks.
The “Back to School Bash” will be held at the Prairieville Fairgrounds on Hwy. 929. Everyone is welcome, as there will be inflatables and games for children of all ages, along with free jambalaya and fried chicken meals provided.
Although the event is open for all children to come out and enjoy a few hours of fun, parents who have a true need for assistance are urged to bring their school supply list with them. Items will be handed out on a need and first come first serve basis.
“We’d like to thank all of the people who donated items in our blue and silver bins throughout the Greater Baton Rouge area,” said Tim Arceneaux. “Without them, the passing on of needed school supplies for area school children whose families need assistance would be impossibility. We are delighted to have been able to assist in making this event happen.”
So if you’re in need, come on out and feel free to get some needed assistance. If you’re not, just come and enjoy a day spent with fun and games.