Check out our call out numbers for the month of June

911 Investigations, 39

Accidents, 138

Alarms, 166

Animal Complaints, 10

Assaults, 6

Assists, 62

Burglaries, 19

Checks on Welfare, 24

Civil Disputes, 34

Computer Crimes, 2

Criminal Investigations, 1

Damage to Property, 21

Deaths, 4

Disturbances, 119

Escorts, 61

Intoxicated Drivers, 1

Juvenile Crimes 3

Missing/Runaways, 4

Narcotics, 9

Sex Offenses, 3

Shootings, 2

Suicide Investigations, 5

Suspicious Persons/Vehicles, 105

Thefts, 102

Traffic Incidents, 99

Trespassing, 4

Warrant Arrests, 51

Weapons Violations, 1



Grand Total, 1,097